Artifacts, Italy
All photos by Jason Mills or Jordanna Max Brodsky.

A Roman copy of a Greek original, known as the "Sleeping Erinyes," or "Sleeping Fury." Palazzo Altemps, Rome

A Greek original from the 4th century BC. One of the best sculptures in the Capitoline Museum, Rome.

Roman copy of a 4th century BC Greek original. Marsyas dared Apollo to a musical contest. The Muses judged him the loser (of course), and Apollo flayed him alive for his hubris. Capitoline Museum, Rome

Originally thought to be a Greek original, most scholars now believe it's a Roman copy from the early 1st century AD. Laocoon was a Trojan priest who tried to warn his city about the Trojan Horse. As punishment, Athena (patron goddess of the Greeks) sent two serpents to kill him and his sons. Vatican Museum, Rome

Museo Correr, Venice

Leda is seduced by Zeus in the form of a swan. She later gives birth to four children, two of whom are Zeus's offspring and possibly sprang from eggs. One of these is Helen of Troy, the most beautiful woman in the world. Museo Correr, Venice

Museo Correr, Venice

From the 1st century A.D. Palazzo Massimo, Rome

After Niobe, Queen of Thebes, brags that she is more worthy of worship than Leto because she has fourteen children while Leto only bears two, Artemis and Apollo kill all her children. Here, one of Niobe's daughters (a Niobid) reaches behind her back to pull out Artemis's arrow. Palazzo Massimo, Rome

Baths of Diocletian, Rome

Palazzo Altemps, Rome

Palazzo Altemps, Rome

Palazzo Altemps, Rome

The myth of Eros and Psyche is a great one, but far too long for this site! Click the link below if you're interested. Palazzo Altemps, Rome